MRIWA portfolio overview – Increase Recovered Value Through Processing
Learn more about recently completed and current projects in the program area Increase Recovered Value Through Processing
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Principal Project Officers work within the Research Team to develop programs and initiatives in line with the strategic direction and governance processes of the organisation.
Published: 8 October 2024
Learn more about recently completed and current projects in the program area Increase Recovered Value Through Processing
Discover recently completed and current projects in the program area Expand the Mining Envelope
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MRIWA’s new education program launched by the Hon. Bill Johnston MLA, Minister for Mines and Petroleum
Exciting research has delivered a practical new approach to planning and assessing the performance of underground blasting in developing mines
Eunjoo Choi was awarded a MRIWA Scholarship in 2016 to undertake PhD studies at the University of Western Australia, where she investigated the geochemical and isotopic features of alkaline rocks…
Professor Eric May received a MRIWA Supplementary PhD Scholarship in 2000. Following the completion of his PhD, Eric has continued on to a stellar research career in the Australian oil…
The new website showcases research supported by MRIWA
Research delivers a breakthrough in extracting gold and platinum group elements from the Panton Sill.
Unlocking deposits in the Albany-Fraser region with new geological research
New hydrogen peroxide-based explosives reduce toxic exhaust gases without sacrificing performance compared to conventional equivalents