Our People
MRIWA staff work with the Board and MRIWA College, industry and the research community to enable minerals research
MRIWA has small, highly integrated team who engage with a broad and diverse group of stakeholders from industry, government and the research community to deliver our objectives.
Control and management of MRIWA is vested in a Board of seven members, who are appointed by the Minister. An Audit and Risk Committee is appointed by the MRIWA Board and comprises three members who are members of the MRIWA Board. The Audit and Risk Committee is MRIWA’s internal audit committee to ensure to ensure independence from the day-to-day management of the agency. The CEO administers the day‑to‑day operations, subject to the direction of the Board.
The MRIWA College, is an advisory group appointed by the MRIWA Board to provide advice to MRIWA and the Board on minerals research priorities and assist in the assessment of research grant applications which seek to address the challenges facing the State’s minerals industry to ensure it can deliver an economic and social benefit for Western Australia.
Representatives on the MRIWA College are drawn from industry, the research community and government organisations with specific knowledge and experience relevant to one or more of the program areas in the MRIWA Research Priority Plan.
MRIWA is committed to diversity and has set targets for gender diversity of 50:50 for both our Board and the MRIWA College.
MRIWA People
Control and management of MRIWA is vested in a Board of seven members appointed by the Minister
MRIWA College
The MRIWA College provide diverse expertise to support our activities
Scholarship Panel
The Scholarship Panel assess scholarship applications
Page was last reviewed 30 August 2024