Research Funding
MRIWA invests in a wide range of high-quality, impactful research projects
Funding Information
MRIWA co-invests in research projects and funds scholarships through our Education Program to address the medium to long-term knowledge and technology needs of Western Australia’s minerals industry identified in the MRIWA Research Priority Plan.
Research proposals can be submitted throughout the year by any party.
MRIWA may also commission research in areas of high need, identify specific research opportunities, and reach out to potential collaboration partners including research institutions, industry, or funding bodies, to develop consortia to finance and carry out projects.
The MRIWA Board makes the final decision on all research funding, on advice from Grant Assessment Panels and the MRIWA Scholarships Panel, respectively.
If you or your organisation have an idea for a project which falls within the programs and themes defined in the MRIWA Research Priority Plan, we want to hear from you.
Details of all projects funded by MRIWA and its predecessors are publicly available. Browse our Project Portfolio.
Page was last reviewed 30 June 2022