Exploration Amplification
How can WA maintain its innovation advantage in mineral exploration and discovery?
The Challenge
Mineral exploration and discovery represent the foundations of Western Australia’s successful mining sector. The future productivity of this key industry will require discovery and characterisation of ore bodies deeper below the surface and hidden from traditional methods of discovery, pushing industry to reduce both the cost and the environmental footprint of exploration technology.
Investment in exploration innovation is critical for WA to meet the emerging challenges of mineral discovery and maintain the State’s position as a preferred supplier of mineral commodities.
Through our Exploration Amplification focus area, MRIWA works to define a future vision of productive mineral exploration for WA and to support the areas of priority research and education needed to deliver on this vision.
In striving toward this goal, MRIWA encourages collaboration between the minerals industry, researchers and government to:
- Create and nurture global networks and knowledge leadership in mineral exploration.
- Increase adoption and implementation of exploration research outcomes.
- Maintain strategic foresight regarding research and education needs related to mineral exploration.
- Stimulate partnership opportunities in areas of exploration research initiated by industry.
- Generate awareness of and enthusiasm for career pathways in exploration, and in broader geoscience and technology as they relate to mineral exploration.
Current Activities
- M10486 – Ore Body Characterisation using Machine Learning and Measure-While-Drilling Data (MRIWA PhD Scholarship)
- M10484 – Petrogenesis and metallogenic significance of the Speewah V-Ti Deposit (MRIWA Odwyn Jones PhD scholarship awarded to Alex Eves)
- M10472 – Amplification of Exploration Education and Research Collaboration
- M10446 – Seismic in the Drilling Workflow – Phase 2: MinEx CRC Project 5
- M10445 – Petrophysics for Mineral Discovery during Drilling – Phase 2: MinEx CRC Project 4
- M10444 – Coiled Tubing Drilling for definition of Mineral Deposits – Phase 2: MinEx CRC Project 2
- M10433 – Distal footprints in the South West Terrane
- M10426 – Indicator Minerals for Nickel Exploration
- M10422 – Understanding the Mt Weld Carbonatite mineral system – a Critical Minerals super-resource in Western Australia
- M10412 – Primary and secondary high-grade gold mineralisation processes in orogenic systems: key to a sustainable mining?
- M0561 – Giant rare-metal pegmatites of the East Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia: Mineral systems analysis and terrane-scale exploration (MRIWA PhD Scholarship project)
- M0557 – Orebody knowledge, landscape history and mineralisation of Martite – Goethite Ores in the Hamersley Province (WA)
- M0554 – Evolution of Proterozoic multistage rift basins – key to mineral systems – ARC Linkage proposal linked to M0521
- M0551 – Integrated 3G – Geochronology-geochemistry-grain shape: a new toolkit for mineral sands understanding
- M0530 – Yilgarn 2020
- M0521 – Lithospheric and crustal-scale controls on multi-stage basin evolution: Impacts on Mineralising Systems
- M0470a – (Was M0555) A multi-scale approach to controls on mineralization in the Fraser Zone, Western Australia
- M0462a – (Was M0556) The paradigm shift for minerals exploration using ultrafine soils and intelligent data integration tools – Extension to M0462
Completed Activities
- M0547 – Geodynamics and basin evolution of the Paterson Orogen from Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic based on 3D geophysical modelling and data inversion (MRIWA PhD Scholarship project)
- M0543 – Field-based XRF for prompt Au analysis
- M0532 – Geology, Mineralogy and Metallurgy of eMaterials Deposits in WA
- M0515 – Development of drilling fluid system for Coiled tube drill rig
- M0514 – Novel seismic methodologies for exploration of mineral resources in a hypersaline environment
- M0509d – Sub-Project of MinEx CRC – Centrifuge optimisation for fluid management in Coiled Tubing drilling
- M0509c – Sub-Project of MinEx CRC: Project 5 – Seismic in the Drilling Workflow
- M0509b – Sub-Project of MinEx CRC: Project 4 – Petrophysics for Mineral Discovery during Drilling
- M0509a – Sub-Project of MinEx CRC: Project 2 – Coiled tubing drilling for definition of Mineral Deposits
- M0507 – QA4UAV – A standard workflow to quality assure UAV products
- M0494 – Mapping chemical architecture of gold camps
- M0493 – Don’t Bury Western Australia’s Geophysical Data: Uncovering Prospective Mineral Terrains with Regional Potential Field, Seismic and MT transects through cooperative inversion
- M0484 – (M459 Extension) Magmatic sulfide mineral potential in the East Kimberley
- M0476 – An Integrated Multi-Scale Study of Crustal Structure and Prospectivity of the Eastern Yilgarn Craton and Adjacent Albany-Fraser Orogen
- M0475 – Alkaline magmatism as a probe into the architecture of the Archean lithospheric mantle, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
- M0470 – Mineral systems on the margin of cratons: Albany-Fraser Orogen / Eucla Basement case study
- M0467 – Mineralogical and lithological controls on REE distribution in the Argyle diamond deposit
- M0465 – Deep crustal-scale structure, geological evolution and multi-commodity prospectivity analysis in the Halls Creek Orogen, Kimberley region, Western Australia
- M0463 – Links between basin evolution, crustal-scale architecture, and mineral systems development: an example from the Bresnahan Basin, Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia
- M0462 – Multi-scaled near surface exploration using ultrafine soils
- M0459 – Magmatic sulfide mineral potential in the East Kimberley
- M0457 – Geological controls on the fractionation of sulfur isotopes in Archaean mineral systems
- M0456 – An investigation of the relationship between positive magnetic anomalies and nickel-sulphide deposits, Kambalda, Western Australia
- M0452 – Pathways to high grade gold: 3D gradient mapping of mineral systems
- M0449 – Drop Probe System – RC LWD (Reverse Circulation Log-While-Drilling)
- M0448 – 4D Evolution of WA Ore Systems (WA4D): Rutile – pathfinder to ores
- M0446 – 4D Evolution of WA Ore Systems (WA4D): Re-Os Sulfide Geochemistry
- M0436 – Distal Footprint of Giant Ore Systems: Capricorn WA Case Study
- M0435 – Bayesian Inversion of AEM Data for a Multidimensional World
- M0433 – Targeting Channel Iron Deposits Formation in the Pilbara using a forward landscape evolution & clastic sedimentation approach.
- M0426 – Exploration Targeting for BIF-hosted Fe Deposits in the Pilbara Craton WA
- M0414 – Improved Hydrogeochemical Exploration in the Northwest Yilgarn – Adding Value to Underexplored Areas
- M0413 – Hydrothermal Footprints of Magmatic Nickel Sulfide Deposits
- M0411 – Geochemical Greenfields Exploration in Regolith Dominated Terrane: The Yilgarn Margin-Albany-Fraser Belt Implication for Minerals System Prospectivity
- M0410 – High Grade Au Deposits: Processes to Prediction
- M0407 – North East Yilgarn biogeochemistry project
- M0405 – Application of U-Th-Pb-He Double Dating Techniques to Diamond Exploration
- M0402 – Hydrogeochemical Mapping of the Northeast Yilgarn
- M0400 – Onsite Validation and Implementation of new Hylogging Technologies-Technology Tranfer and Re-skilling
- M0393 – Branded Iron Formations and Iron Ores of the Hamersley Province: New Insights from Field and Petrographic Studies
- M0392 – Iron Oxyhydroxide Characterisation and Modification in Bauxite: Tools for redicting and improving Bayer Performance.
- M0389 – A Four Dimensional Interpretation of the Geological Evolution of the Proterozioc West Tanami Region and its Mineral Systems
- M0388 – Controls on Platinum Group Element Variation in Mafic and Utramafic Magmatic Systems
- M0385 – The Development of Hyperspectral Environmental Measurement Tool for Monitoring Mining Related Infrastucture and Rehabilitation.
- M0377 – Scale-integrated, Architecturally, Geodynamically and Geochemically constrained targeting models for gold deposits in the Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton.
- M0373 – Development and Implementation of Advanced Automated Core Logging Technology for Enhanced Mine Feasibility and Development in Western Australia.
- M0371 – Laterite geochemical database for the western Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
- M0370 – Regolith, geology and alteration mineral MAPS from new generation airborne and satellite remote sensing technologies
- M0363 – Feasibility of seismic methods for imaging gold deposits in Western Australia
- M0358 – Scale-integrated, architectural and geodynamic controls on alteration and geochemistry of gold systems in the Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton
- M0356 – Age constraints of the structural and stratigraphic architecture of the Agnew-Wiluna Greenstone Belt: Implications for the age of komatiite-felsic association and interaction in the Eastern Goldfields Province, Western Australia
- M0346 – Upper crustal structure of the Laverton tectonic zone adjacent to major gold deposits from seismic reflection profiling
- M0342 – Development of a new seismic fracture mapping technique
- M0340 – XMML – online data transfer for the exploration and mining industry
- M0323 – Comparison of mobile metal ion (MMI) geochemistry and conventional geochemistry at mineralized sites in different geological, climatological and regolith settings
- M0322 – Mapping the Panorama VMS-style alteration and host rock mineralogy, Pilbara Block, using airborne Hyperspectral VNIR-SWIR data
- M0311 – Gold solubility in neutral-alkaline solutions
- M0304 – Genetic stratigraphic analysis of the Hamersley group
- M0303 – Texture-based enhancement and classification of aeromagnetic data
- M0275 – Determination, interpretation and correction for seismic anisotropy
- M0274 – 3-D seismic expressions of fault systems
- M0267 – Soil geochemical anomalies – their dynamic nature and interpretation
- M0252 – Influence of anisotropy on depth conversion
- M0244 – Assessment of base-metal prospectivity in sedimentary basins based on the association between hydrocarbon and metalliferous brine migration: A feasibility study based on the Fitzroy Trough/Lennard Shelf, Western Australia.
- M0243 – Primary geochemical and isotopic dispersion haloes in Archaean lode-gold systems
- M0242 – Timing and genesis of Hamersley BIF-hosted iron deposits: a new palaeomagnetic interpretation
- M0225 – Subtle faults/fractures and coal seams
- M0221 – Attenuation of seismic multiples
- M0219 – Mechanism of formation of mobile metal ion anomalies
- M0203 – Controls on mineralisation and tectonic development of the central part of the northern Yilgarn Craton
- M0202 – Vanadium distribution in the Shephards Discordant Zone, Windimurra Complex, Western Australia
- M0201 – Tectonic, structural and depositional controls on zinc-lead mineralisation on the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin
- M0195 – Systematic documentation of Archaean gold deposits of the Yilgarn block
- M0194 – Improved resource evaluation using geoscientific information systems – a pilot study
- M0178 – Geochemistry, mineralogy and hydrogeochemisty of the Ambassador multi-element lignite deposit, Western Australia
- M0154 – Exploration and deposit models for gold deposits in amphibolite/granulite facies terranes
- M0143 – Advanced structural interpretation using magnetic data
- M0123 – The geochemistry of Archaean gold ores from the Yilgarn Block of Western Australia: implications for gold metallogeny
- M0121 – The nature of large scale shear zones and their relevance to gold mineralisation, Yilgarn Block
- M0112 – Evaluation and development of non-destructive core analysis using X-ray computed tomography
- M0095 – MERIGOLD – a database for Archaean gold deposits in the Yilgarn Block
- M0090 – Mineralogy of Darling Range bauxites in relation to chemical reactivity – new ore types
- M0083 – Induced polarisation characteristics of gold mineralisation
- M0079 – The refinement of extrusive models for the genesis of nickel deposits: implications from case studies at Honeymoon Well and the Walter Williams Formation
- M0073 – Holocene sedimentation and heavy mineral accumulation, Minninup shoreline, Geographe Bay
- M0071 – Comprehensive interpretation of drill hole electromagnetic data
- M0065 – Exploration significance of regional and local scale hydrothermal alteration patterns in greenstone belts
- M0063 – Multidimensional seismology – papers
- M0062 – Trace-element and lead isotopic compositions of pyrites as guides to gold and base-metal mineralisation – a pilot study
- M0061 – The structural development and controls on mineralisation of the northern sector of the Norseman – Wiluna Belt, Western Australia
- M0051 – Mineralogy of Darling Range bauxite
- M0041 – The application of drill hole electromagnetic techniques for delineation of conductive mineralisation
- M0039 – The seismic performance of shaped charges
- M0038 – The Agnew nickel deposit, Yilgarn Block, W A – stratigraphy, structure, geochemistry and origin
- M0036 – Coincident loop and in-loop transient electromagnetic interpretation for sheet conductors
- M0033 – Mineralogy and geochemistry of the weathered zone over some Archaean base-metal deposits in Western Australia
- M0030 – U–Pb geochronology, geothermometry and petrology of the main areas of gold mineralisation in the “Wheat Belt” region of WA
- M0026 – Sedimentary and Tectonic Development of the Bangemall Basin and Implications for Mineral Exploration
- M0024 – Correlation of acid volcanics in the Archaean of Western Australia
- M0023 – Genetic concepts as aids to development of gold exploration models: Lead isotope constraints on source and genesis of Archaean gold deposits in Western Australia
- M0020 – Petrography of Collie coal, Collie Basin, Western Australia
- M0017 – Helium surveys of the Manyingee and Bennett Well uranium deposits
- M0015 – The application of chloride hydrometallurgy to upgrading dirty base metal sulphide concentrates and processing nickel matte in Western Australia
- M0014 – Semi-micro analytical technique in mineral exploration and ore genesis studies
- M0004 – Development of exploration concepts for Sn-Ta Pegmatites: Use of host rock associations and alteration haloes
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Page was last reviewed 27 August 2024