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MRIWA grant applications for 2024 are now open!

MRIWA accepts applications throughout the year for projects which address a challenge or issue facing the minerals industry in Western Australia.

MRIWA seeks to support projects across its key focus areas, including:

  • Net Zero Emission Mining
  • Green Steel
  • Exploration Amplification
  • Critical Minerals
  • Alternative Use of Tailings and Waste
  • Precision and Low Impact Mining

All proposals must align with a program and theme from MRIWA’s Research Priority Plan.

If you have a minerals research project that aligns to these areas, we encourage you to apply.

Grant application documents and submission dates for 2024 are now available from the MRIWA website. Consult the information on the Application Information page to begin your grant application journey.

Reach out to our Research Portfolio Managers at to discuss your proposal and commence development of an application.

Page was last reviewed 8 July 2024

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