Tech Talks – JORC Code and Mining Industry 4.0 CRC
MRIWA is excited to present two Tech Talks on Thursday 28 February
Part 1: JORC Code and Minerals Public Reporting
Presented by Dr Jacqui Coombes.
The JORC Code is a blueprint for public reporting of minerals across the globe.
The purpose of this presentation is to bring clarity around public reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mining Reserves – beyond the rules.
Beyond providing fascinating insights in to how we find ourselves with the system we have today, this talk offers an opportunity for hearty engagement around one of Australia’s most successfully exported brands: The JORC Code.
Part 2: Reimagining mining – Mining Industry 4.0 (MI4) CRC
Adrian Pearce will outline a unique opportunity to participate in a national CRC bid aiming to achieve a step change in the conversion rates of Australia’s ‘mineral resources’ to ‘ore reserves’ through the application of digital technologies throughout the mining value chain.
The MI4 CRC is based on the premise that step change gains can be achieved through the adoption of industry 4.0 and digital technologies, through radical process redesign and operation. The MI4 CRC invites METS and mining companies to join this initiative to achieve these gains.
Tickets for each presentation are available through Eventbrite.
Page was last reviewed 27 October 2020