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Work is underway on two new projects supported by MRIWA as part of the newly-formed Cooperative Research Centre for Transformations in Mining Economies (CRC TiME).

The CRC TiME is a national consortium delivering coordinated investment into research in the mine closure sector. The work of the CRC will underpin transformational change in mine closure, and help to build trust between mining companies, regulators and communities.

As a partner in the CRC, MRIWA is joining over 70 leading mining and mining service companies, regional development organisations, State and Commonwealth governments and other research partners.

The two inaugural CRC TiME projects supported by MRIWA are:

  • Post mining land use – practice mapping options
  • How can CRC TiME help industry, government and communities prevent closure-related acid and metalliferous drainage impacts?

Together, these projects form part of a foundational portfolio of research to set the stage for the operation of the CRC over the next 10 years.

Page was last reviewed 27 April 2021

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